
nixCraft , to random avatar

Explain what you do in 4 words or less. I’ll go first:

Automate software delivery 🚚

asatothabaddon , avatar

@nixCraft Test stuff in Production

gmarcosanti , avatar

@nixCraft I reboot computers.

molly0xfff , to random avatar

the team behind Critical Role just launched its own subscription membership service called "Beacon"

pretty cool to see a creative team trying out a new model to give them so much control over their own content/platform

molly0xfff OP , avatar

@geewee they did/do and I'm a huge fan of it!

geewee , avatar

@molly0xfff Oh dropout is great! So many good shows! Also a few that don't hit the mark for me, but the overall quality of content is extremely impressive!

gamingonlinux , to random avatar

I have 4TB in my PC 😆

I'm using nearly all of it 💀

No, I will not uninstall all those games I haven't played for over a year.

karrbs , avatar

@gamingonlinux I have a couple questions as someone who just searches for my memes when I need them.

Are the separated into category or like template vs created?

How big is this folder?

chou518 , avatar

I use two 2 TB nvme drives for Arch Linux, still have space on them. I still keep Windows around for a few things, but it's on a measly 1 TB ssd. @gamingonlinux

nixCraft , to random avatar

This is funny. OpenAI, who scraped the entire internet to build its product, is now enforcing copyright via notices. They still don’t give credit for stealing content from everyone, yet now acting like holier-than-thou

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  • nicholas_saunders ,

    @nixCraft the beauty of this AI is that it plagiarizes and steals, and never cited attributions.

    Plus, it's real fucking good at spotting plagiarism and art fraud.

    "The smarter villain sells a service."

    Namos_Roy , avatar

    @nixCraft So ChatGPT text is based on copyrighted content, and it's copyrighting that content, all while being sued by the New York Times for bypassing their paywall... And in the next few years OpenAI will run out of quality content and will feed the text generated by their model back into its model to make more copyright content...

    Krule John C Reilly GIF

    rbreich , to random avatar

    Trump asked Big Oil execs to give him $1 billion for his campaign.

    He promised lower taxes and a rollback of Biden's climate regulations and clean energy programs in return.

    Trump is literally willing to take bribes in exchange for the destruction of the planet.

    Be warned.

    panamared27401 , avatar

    @rbreich I'm glad you're using the "L" word. I noticed that neither the Times nor the Post could be bothered.

    Wikisteff , avatar

    @rbreich *has taken bribes

    GottaLaff , to random avatar

    NEW 🧵 starts HERE.

    Please remember I don’t reply while live-posting. Plz use NFL (Not For Laffy, but no hashtag) so I can ignore those replies.



    ...At 2:14 p.m., Trump walks in, entourage in tow.

    Boris Epshteyn just handed a piece of paper with a photo on it to Kaitlan Collins.

    I thought he maybe said "Conway" to her, but I'm not exactly sure.

    depereo , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL - Her ability to tell the story, and the effect it would have had on the campaign, is important regardless of its veracity. She literally does not need to have been honest for this story becoming public to be a campaign impacting event, and for this scheme to therefore be a campaign contribution.

    peachfront , avatar

    @depereo @GottaLaff

    what i was thinking too

    aeva , (edited ) to random avatar

    what does the word "procgen" mean to you

    aeva OP , avatar

    @yora both are examples of parametric modeling tools

    aeva OP , avatar

    @yora pretty much I was trying to reach for another term for when a computer plays a nontrivial role in the structure and creation of a work, but the creative decisions are direct active decisions made by the human or humans who made the work.

    arstechnica , to random avatar

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip

    It's unclear what caused the retraction or how many threads have become displaced.

    richarddegenne , avatar

    @arstechnica Who would've thunk!

    ScottE , avatar

    Was the malfunctioning chip the dead brain worm?

    twoowls73 , to Strange Planet by Nathan W. Pyle avatar
    GBU_28 ,

    Dogs are cooler than cats

    PlantDadManGuy ,

    Someone is literally spying on me and my dopey black Labrador. She's so damn cute though.

    eniko , to random avatar

    The problem with outsourcing your chat or forum to third parties is that you don't own them. That is correct

    The problem with self hosting those things yourself is that 1. nobody will use them because why aren't you just using this 3rd party app that everyone is already using and 2. have fun doing your own spam control

    Seems like a bit of a damned if you do damned if you don't situation if you ask me

    jernej__s , avatar


    If I host my games on my own site browsers like Chrome will scream "this is a file that isn't regularly downloaded ARE YOU SURE??"

    This should only happen if the file hasn't been downloaded much and is either unsigned, or signed with a new codesigning certificate (the more your file is downloaded, the more reputation it gets; if the file is unsigned, the file itself is collecting reputation; if it's signed, the reputation applies to the certificate instead, so all downloads signed with the same certificate will count).

    Unfortunately, the price of codesigning certificates seems to have trippled in the last few years – $188 for a 3-year certificate in '21, €485 two months ago…

    eniko OP , avatar

    @jernej__s I mean, saying "this should only happen if the file isn't downloaded much" in a situation where the file will be downloaded far less often isnt super helpful, especially if updates resets the whole thing

    I guess you could get around that by hosting a downloader that never changes but you have none of these issues if you put your stuff on itch or steam, which is exactly my point

    arstechnica , to random avatar

    Apple’s plastic-free packaging means pack-in logo stickers are going away

    Pack-in Apple stickers go back at least as far as 1977’s Apple II.

    JoeBecomeTheSun ,

    @arstechnica Remember that environmentalism was the excuse for removing the charger brick from the box of the latest iphones. This is just another step in removing things from the box so that you have to buy them separately. I wouldn't be suprised if apple removed the USB type c port to make you go out and buy an apple branded wireless charger. Don't give them any more ideas, I don't want them to get courageous again lest android phones follow suit.

    jhhl , avatar

    @arstechnica There is a culture that likes to advertise their product loyalty.... I dunno, I still have my NeXT stickers somewhere.

    itsfoss , to random avatar

    htop for me, what about you? 🤔

    pisi_de , avatar

    @itsfoss xosview

    Hitesh1 ,

    @itsfoss btop

    nixCraft , to random avatar

    I’m Officially leaving Mastodon. Clearly, I spend too much time here. Take care, everyone. I'll be back in 15 minutes. 🙃

    Ertain , avatar

    @nixCraft Okay, talk to you later.

    robinslave , avatar

    @nixCraft remember drink water

    lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

    I hate making typos.

    The other day, I accidentally made a typo in a post. I thought "Eh, not many people will see it anyway".

    Today, Threads pushed out an update so I can now see how many views my posts get. Almost 8 million people have seen my big dumb typo. I will never mentally recover from this.

    18+ energiepirat , avatar

    @lowqualityfacts That's why I'm not on Threads. It's a threat.

    PaintedDurian , avatar

    @lowqualityfacts I thought you are all about low quality

    w7voa , to random avatar

    Washington Post: At Mar-a-Lago, Trump asked oil CEOs to raise $1 billion for his campaign and told them if he gets back in the White House he'll immediately reverse dozens of Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted.

    DeborahForPlus , avatar


    Of course his coffers take precedence over the health of Americans and everyone's earth

    JSharp1436 , avatar


    He's such a cnut.

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